F207E13 2005年 英語 成蹊大学 2/11,A方式,本学 理工 【3】   次の表は,アメリカ合衆国で用いられる手話に関し,手話で表される英単語,それに対応する動作図,および,説明文をまとめたものである。たとえば,cameraに対応する動作図はnとなり,説明文は1となる。以下の手の絵を参考にして,問1と問2に答えよ。 英単語 動作図 説明文 (例) camera n l basketball (カ) 2 banana (キ) 3 table (ク) 4 mirror (ケ) 5 child (コ) 6 wedding (サ) 7 learn (シ) 8 〔動作図〕  〔説明文〕  1.Hold both hands with the thumbs and bent index fingers in front of the face. Keep the other fingers closed. Raise and lower the right index finger. Memory aid: The position and action for operating a camera. 2.Hold both curved open hands at head level and move them forward and upward. Memory aid: The natural position and action for (ア) a basketball. 3.Hold the left index finger up with the palm facing in; then make a few grasping downward movements around it with the fingers and thumb of the right hand. Memory aid: Suggests (イ) a banana. 4.Place both arms to the front in a similar position to that of folding them, but put the right forearm over the left. The right flat hand can pat the top of the left forearm a few times. Memory aid: Can suggest resting the arms on a table (ウ). 5.Hold up the slightly curved right hand at eye level, and look at the palm while pivoting the hand slightly from the wrist. Memory aid: Suggests looking at one's reflection in a mirror. 6.Place the right flat downturned hand before the body and motion (エ) patting the head of a child. When referring to more than one child, move the hand to another position and repeat the sign. Memory aid: Children are shorter than adults. 7.Point the fingers of both flat hands down from the wrists in the front. Swing the hands toward each other until the left fingers and thumb grasp the right fingers. Memory aid: Suggests a bride and groom joining hands. 8.Place the fingers of the right open hand on the upturned left palm. Close the right fingers as the hand is moved to the forehead. The fingertips are then placed on the forehead. Memory aid: The right hand seems to be taking (オ) from the left hand and putting it into the mind. The left hand can represent a book. マーク式設問  問1.説明文中の空所(ア)〜(オ)に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下記のa〜dの中から1つ選び,マークせよ。 (ア) a.dropping b.hitting c.receiving d.throwing (イ) a.a shape of b.eating c.peeling d.picking (ウ) a.above b.front c.over d.surface (エ) a.as if b.as well as c.so that d.while (オ) a.care b.comfort c.consideration d.information 問2.表の空所(カ)〜(シ)に入れるのに最も適当な動作図をa〜m (nはcameraの動作図) の中からそれぞれ1つずつ選び,マークせよ。